With Solstice Active Learning launching in a few days, you’re invited to join our exciting webinar on 31 March at 11:00AM MST where Mersive’s CTO & founder Christopher Jaynes, PhD, will showcase this new software-based capability and answer any questions you may have. Solstice Active Learning overview & key benefits Demo of real-time video routing...
The entire Radio Active Design team will join the folks at Practical Show Tech for a webinar discussing UV-1G wireless intercom best practices and application tips. James Stoffo and the entire RAD team will be joining us to discuss RAD system operation and VHF/UHF best practices as they apply to the RAD systems and by extension...
Genelec is hosting an increased number of their popular G*Connect webinars over the next few months to help provide knowledge and guidance on a whole range of audio topics. The webinars are free to join, and everyone attending will be issued with a free certificate by Genelec afterwards. Presenters will be happy to take questions from attendees...
DPA’s own Bo Brinck will be talking about a wide range of topics, showing you tips and tricks and generally sharing his passion and knowledge about microphones and sound. Each session is planned to take about 30 minutes and he will take time to answer viewers’ questions that have been sent in via the chat...
Adamson Systems Engineering has launched an ongoing series of free educational webinars for current and potential partners and end-users around the world. The Adamson Education Webinar Series addresses some ongoing challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic while keeping consistent with the company’s amplified focus on partner education for 2020. The Adamson Education Webinar Series launched in...
To help event professionals sharpen their skills during this time, PSAV and its family of companies are launching a series of free educational webinars. The series kicks off on 2 April at 10 a.m. EST with Global Virtual Events Day, a day-long webinar featuring PSAV’s team of experts who will cover everything you need to...